Community Projects

  • Hazeltine Grant

    I’ve been awarded a Hazeltine grant to build a 3D grapher - work on this is still in the design phase, with the intention of completion during the summer. Hopefully, I can build a sufficiently low-cost model to find applications in educational settings. (Image from MIT Tangible Media Lab Project showcasing similar idea)

  • ERC Cafe Signs

    I’ve been building signs to display product names for the Engineering Research Center Cafe. I began by designing a simple CAD model with press-fit joints and 3D printing, but later designed, woodworked, and finally laser cut a large wooden sign.

  • Repair Jobs

    I love fixing things. One of my favorite ways to spend time is fixing/building things for the people and groups around me. Pictured above is an aux cable in the Brown Underground that I soldered and wrapped to get it working and secure